Secret storage

The Foreman project uses gopass to store shared secrets. This is achieved by storing GPG encrypted files in git repositories.

Client access

First install gopass. On Fedora:

dnf install gopass

Ensure that gopass is initialized after installing the first time (and that your GPG private key is present on the system):

gopass init <YOUR-PUB-KEY-HASH>



This store is meant for release engineers and can be cloned:

gopass clone theforeman/releases


Contains account access for Infra admins.

gopass clone theforeman/shared

Server setup

This is managed by the Puppet class secretsgit and served on the hostname. Technically this is a DNS CNAME to the real server.

Granting access

  • Ensure SSH access is available
  • Add the user to secretsgit::users
  • Add the user's key as a recipient: gopass sync && gopass recipients add --store theforeman/releases 1234567890ABCDEF && gopass sync