Katello provisioning setup
A role is included which will configure an all-on-one provisioning environment with Katello. It uses nested libvirt to make your virtual machine a hypervisor capable of running it's own VM's. It also sets up a private NAT network on the host.
How to configure
If necessary, enable nested virt on your phyiscal box (see in Checking if nested virtualization is supported). Essentially, add this line to kvm-intel.conf and reboot:
echo "options kvm-intel nested=1" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/kvm-intel.conf
Build a box
Option 1: Use the
box. -
Option 2: Use an existing Katello box (e.g. centos9-stream-katello-nightly) and run the provisioning playbook (it takes a while, as it syncs (on-demand) CentOS Stream 9, Puppet 7).
NOTE: If you are using Puppet 7 or higher, you need to increase the ram on the box, to something like 8096 otherwise candlepin crashes with OOM.ansible-playbook -l centos9-stream-katello-nightly playbooks/katello_provisioning.yml
Login and create a compute profile, because this isn't possible with hammer or the API.
- Click Infrastructure / Compute Resources
- Click "libvirt"
- Click Compute profiles
- Click 2-Medium
- increse ram to 2048MB (required for CentOS Stream 9)
- change network type to NAT, network name = provision
- Click Submit
- Configure Activation Key
- Content / Activation Keys
- Assign all available subscriptions to the activation key
- Configure / Host groups
- Edit Forklift CentOS 9
- Set Compute profile to be "2-Medium"
- Assign the
CentOS 9
activation key to the host group
You're good to go! Let's provision a box!
- Click Hosts / New Host
- Fill in:
- org, location, host group
- deploy on = libvirt
DONE! Click submit :tada:
If you want to view the console while it boots, make sure to trust the CA certificate in your browser, it's hosted at https://centos9-stream-katello-nightly.example.com/pub/katello-server-ca.crt, and you'll need to make sure you're accessing the katello via it's proper hostname (add an entry to /etc/hosts).