Foreman Operations Collection Build Status

Ansible assets for managing Foreman operations such as install, upgrade or maintenance tasks.


A list of all assets and their documentation can be found at


Supported Foreman and plugins versions

Ansible assets should support any currently stable Foreman release and the matching set of plugins. Some modules have additional features/arguments that are only applied when the corresponding plugin is installed.

We actively test the modules against the latest stable Foreman release and the matching set of plugins.

Supported Ansible Versions

The supported Ansible versions are aligned with currently maintained Ansible versions. You can find the list of maintained Ansible versions here.

Supported Python Versions

Ansible only supports Python 2.7 and 3.5 (and higher). These are also the only Python versions we develop and test the modules against.

Known issues


There are currently two ways to use the modules in your setup: install from Ansible Galaxy or via RPM. RPM installation is planned for a future release.

Installation from Ansible Galaxy

You can install the collection from Ansible Galaxy by running ansible-galaxy collection install theforeman.operations.

After the installation, the assets are available as theforeman.operations.<name>. Please see the Using Ansible collections documentation for further details.

Installation via RPM

The collection is planned to be available as ansible-collection-theforeman-operations from the client repository on starting with a future Foreman release.

After installing the RPM, you can use the modules in the same way as when they are installed directly from Ansible Galaxy.


These dependencies are required for the Ansible controller, not the Foreman server.

  • PyYAML