
Setup Performace Co-Pilot and Grafana to gather metrics of a Foreman installation.

This role is heavily based on the performancecopilot.metrics collection.

Role Variables

  • foreman_metrics_url: The URL of the OpenMetrics endpoint of Foreman, defaults to https://{{ ansible_fqdn | default('localhost') }}/metrics.

  • foreman_metrics_pcp_optional_agents: The optional PCP agents to enable, defaults to [apache, openmetrics, postgresql, redis].

  • foreman_metrics_grafana_enabled: Whether or not Grafana should be installed and configured on the system, defaults to true on Red Hat family systems, and to false otherwise.

  • foreman_metrics_grafana_pmproxy_url: The URL of the pmproxy service to be used as the Grafana datasource, defaults to http://{{ ansible_fqdn | default('localhost') }}:44322.

Example Playbooks

- hosts: all
  gather_facts: true
    - metrics