.. Document meta :orphan: .. Anchors .. _ansible_collections.theforeman.foreman.scc_product_module: .. Anchors: short name for ansible.builtin .. Anchors: aliases .. Title theforeman.foreman.scc_product -- Subscribe SUSE Customer Center Account Products +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. Collection note .. note:: This plugin is part of the `theforeman.foreman collection `_ (version 2.1.2). To install it use: :code:`ansible-galaxy collection install theforeman.foreman`. To use it in a playbook, specify: :code:`theforeman.foreman.scc_product`. .. version_added .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 of theforeman.foreman .. contents:: :local: :depth: 1 .. Deprecated Synopsis -------- .. Description - Manage SUSE Customer Center Products - This module requires the foreman_scc_manager plugin set up in the server - See https://github.com/ATIX-AG/foreman_scc_manager .. Aliases .. Requirements Requirements ------------ The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module. - requests .. Options Parameters ---------- .. raw:: html
Parameter Choices/Defaults Comments
string / required
Organization that the entity is in
string / required
Password of the user accessing the Foreman server.
If the value is not specified in the task, the value of environment variable FOREMAN_PASSWORD will be used instead.
string / required
Name of the suse customer center account associated with product
string / required
Full name of the product of suse customer center account.
The friendly_name alias is deprecated as it refers to an attribute that does not uniquely identify a product and not used for product lookups since SCC Manager 1.8.6.

aliases: friendly_name
string / required
URL of the Foreman server.
If the value is not specified in the task, the value of environment variable FOREMAN_SERVER_URL will be used instead.
string / required
Username accessing the Foreman server.
If the value is not specified in the task, the value of environment variable FOREMAN_USERNAME will be used instead.
  • no
  • yes ←
Whether or not to verify the TLS certificates of the Foreman server.
If the value is not specified in the task, the value of environment variable FOREMAN_VALIDATE_CERTS will be used instead.

.. Notes .. Seealso .. Examples Examples -------- .. code-block:: yaml+jinja - name: "Subscribe to suse customer center product" theforeman.foreman.scc_product: scc_product: "Product1" scc_account: "Test" organization: "Test Organization" .. Facts .. Return values .. Status (Presently only deprecated) .. Authors Authors ~~~~~~~ - Manisha Singhal (@manisha15) ATIX AG .. Parsing errors