.. Document meta :orphan: .. Anchors .. _ansible_collections.theforeman.foreman.provisioning_template_module: .. Anchors: short name for ansible.builtin .. Anchors: aliases .. Title theforeman.foreman.provisioning_template -- Manage Provisioning Templates +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. Collection note .. note:: This plugin is part of the `theforeman.foreman collection `_ (version 2.1.1). To install it use: :code:`ansible-galaxy collection install theforeman.foreman`. To use it in a playbook, specify: :code:`theforeman.foreman.provisioning_template`. .. version_added .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 of theforeman.foreman .. contents:: :local: :depth: 1 .. Deprecated Synopsis -------- .. Description - Manage Provisioning Templates .. Aliases .. Requirements Requirements ------------ The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module. - requests .. Options Parameters ---------- .. raw:: html
Parameter Choices/Defaults Comments
Content of the audit comment field
The path of a template file, that shall be imported.
Either this or template is required as a source for the Provisioning Template "content".
  • Bootdisk
  • cloud-init
  • finish
  • iPXE
  • job_template
  • kexec
  • POAP
  • provision
  • ptable
  • PXEGrub
  • PXEGrub2
  • PXELinux
  • registration
  • script
  • snippet
  • user_data
  • ZTP
The provisioning template kind
list / elements=string
List of locations the entity should be assigned to
  • no
  • yes
Determines whether the template shall be locked
The name of the Provisioning Template.
If omited, will be determined from the name header of the template or the filename (in that order).
The special value "*" can be used to perform bulk actions (modify, delete) on all existing templates.
list / elements=string
List of operating systems the entity should be assigned to.
Operating systems are looked up by their title which is composed as "<name> <major>.<minor>".
You can omit the version part as long as you only have one operating system by that name.
list / elements=string
List of organizations the entity should be assigned to
string / required
Password of the user accessing the Foreman server.
If the value is not specified in the task, the value of environment variable FOREMAN_PASSWORD will be used instead.
string / required
URL of the Foreman server.
If the value is not specified in the task, the value of environment variable FOREMAN_SERVER_URL will be used instead.
  • present ←
  • present_with_defaults
  • absent
State of the entity
present_with_defaults will ensure the entity exists, but won't update existing ones
The content of the provisioning template.
Either this or file_name is required as a source for the Provisioning Template "content".
New provisioning template name. When this parameter is set, the module will not be idempotent.
string / required
Username accessing the Foreman server.
If the value is not specified in the task, the value of environment variable FOREMAN_USERNAME will be used instead.
  • no
  • yes ←
Whether or not to verify the TLS certificates of the Foreman server.
If the value is not specified in the task, the value of environment variable FOREMAN_VALIDATE_CERTS will be used instead.

.. Notes .. Seealso .. Examples Examples -------- .. code-block:: yaml+jinja # Keep in mind, that in this case, the inline parameters will be overwritten - name: "Create a Provisioning Template inline" theforeman.foreman.provisioning_template: username: "admin" password: "changeme" server_url: "https://foreman.example.com" name: A New Finish Template kind: finish state: present template: | <%# name: Finish timetravel kind: finish %> cd / rm -rf * locations: - Gallifrey organizations: - TARDIS INC - name: "Create a Provisioning Template from a file" theforeman.foreman.provisioning_template: username: "admin" password: "changeme" server_url: "https://foreman.example.com" file_name: timeywimey_template.erb state: present locations: - Gallifrey organizations: - TARDIS INC # Due to the module logic, deleting requires a template dummy, # either inline or from a file. - name: "Delete a Provisioning Template" theforeman.foreman.provisioning_template: username: "admin" password: "changeme" server_url: "https://foreman.example.com" name: timeywimey_template template: | <%# dummy: %> state: absent - name: "Create a Provisioning Template from a file and modify with parameter" theforeman.foreman.provisioning_template: username: "admin" password: "changeme" server_url: "https://foreman.example.com" file_name: timeywimey_template.erb name: Wibbly Wobbly Template state: present locations: - Gallifrey organizations: - TARDIS INC # Providing a name in this case wouldn't be very sensible. # Alternatively make use of with_filetree to parse recursively with filter. - name: "Parsing a directory of provisioning templates" theforeman.foreman.provisioning_template: username: "admin" password: "changeme" server_url: "https://foreman.example.com" file_name: "{{ item }}" state: present locations: - SKARO organizations: - DALEK INC with_fileglob: - "./arsenal_templates/*.erb" # If the templates are stored locally and the ansible module is executed on a remote host - name: Ensure latest version of all Provisioning Community Templates theforeman.foreman.provisioning_template: server_url: "https://foreman.example.com" username: "admin" password: "changeme" state: present template: '{{ lookup("file", item.src) }}' with_filetree: '/path/to/provisioning/templates' when: item.state == 'file' # with name set to "*" bulk actions can be performed - name: "Delete *ALL* provisioning templates" theforeman.foreman.provisioning_template: username: "admin" password: "changeme" server_url: "https://foreman.example.com" name: "*" state: absent - name: "Assign all provisioning templates to the same organization(s)" theforeman.foreman.provisioning_template: username: "admin" password: "changeme" server_url: "https://foreman.example.com" name: "*" state: present organizations: - DALEK INC - sky.net - Doc Brown's garage .. Facts .. Return values Return Values ------------- Common return values are documented :ref:`here `, the following are the fields unique to this module: .. raw:: html
Key Returned Description
Final state of the affected entities grouped by their type.

list / elements=dictionary
List of provisioning templates.

.. Status (Presently only deprecated) .. Authors Authors ~~~~~~~ - Bernhard Hopfenmueller (@Fobhep) ATIX AG - Matthias Dellweg (@mdellweg) ATIX AG .. Parsing errors