theforeman.foreman.manifest =========================== Upload Subscription Manifest Role Variables -------------- This role supports the [Common Role Variables]( - `manifest_path`: Path to subscription Manifest file on Ansible target host. When using `manifest_download`, it is first downloaded to this location from the Red Hat Customer Portal before being uploaded to the Foreman server. - `manifest_download`: Whether to first download the Manifest from the Red Hat Customer Portal. Defaults to `False`. - `manifest_uuid`: UUID of the Manifest to download, corresponding to a [Subscription Allocation]( defined on your Red Hat account. Required when `manifest_download` is `True`. - `rhsm_username`: Your username for the Red Hat Customer Portal. Required when `manifest_download` is `True`. - `rhsm_password`: Your password for the Red Hat Customer Portal. Required when `manifest_download` is `True`. Example Playbooks ----------------- Use a Subscription Manifest which has already been downloaded on localhost at `~/`: ```yaml - hosts: localhost roles: - role: theforeman.foreman.manifest vars: server_url: username: "admin" password: "changeme" organization: "Default Organization" manifest_path: "~/" ``` Download the Subscription Manifest from the Red Hat Customer Portal to localhost before uploading to Foreman server: ```yaml - hosts: localhost roles: - role: theforeman.foreman.manifest vars: server_url: username: "admin" password: "changeme" organization: "Default Organization" manifest_path: "~/" manifest_download: True rhsm_username: "happycustomer" rhsm_password: "$ecur3p4$$w0rd" manifest_uuid: "01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef" ```