
This role creates and manages Lifecycle Environments.

Role Variables

This role supports the Common Role Variables.

The main data structure for this role is the list of foreman_lifecycle_environments. Each lifecycle_environment requires the following fields:

  • name: The name of the lifecycle environment.

  • prior: The name of the previous lifecycle environment to attach to in sequence. For the first lifecycle environment in a new path, set the prior lifecycle environment to Library. The order of definition matters, ensure that the environments are listed in the order the path would exist. It can’t be changed after the lifecycle environment has been created.

The following fields are optional and will be omitted by default:

  • description: Description of the lifecycle environment

  • label: A permanent label for identifying the lifecycle environment to tools such as subscription-manager. This is created by the server if omitted. It can’t be changed after the lifecycle environment has been created.

Example Playbooks

Create a lifecycle environment path with three environments: Library -> Dev -> Test -> Prod

- hosts: localhost
    - role: theforeman.foreman.lifecycle_environments
        foreman_username: "admin"
        foreman_password: "changeme"
        foreman_organization: "Default Organization"
          - name: "Dev"
            prior: "Library"
          - name: "Test"
            prior: "Dev"
          - name: "Prod"
            prior: "Test"

Create two lifecycle environment paths: Library -> Dev -> Test -> Prod and Library -> QA -> Stage -> Prod

- hosts: localhost
    - role: theforeman.foreman.lifecycle_environments
        foreman_username: "admin"
        foreman_password: "changeme"
        foreman_organization: "Default Organization"
          - name: "Dev"
            prior: "Library"
          - name: "Test"
            prior: "Dev"
          - name: "Prod"
            prior: "Test"

          - name: "QA"
            prior: "Library"
          - name: "Stage"
            prior: "QA"
          - name: "Prod"
            prior: "Stage"