Index of all Collection Environment Variables

The following index documents all environment variables declared by plugins in collections. Environment variables used by the ansible-core configuration are documented in Ansible Configuration Settings.


Merge extra vars into the available variables for composition (highest precedence).

Used by: theforeman.foreman.foreman inventory plugin


Toggle to make the callback plugin disable itself even if it is loaded.

It can be set to ‘1’ to prevent the plugin from being used even if it gets loaded.

Used by: theforeman.foreman.foreman callback plugin


When set, callback does not perform HTTP calls but stores results in a given directory.

For each report, new file in the form of SEQ_NO-hostname.json is created.

For each facts, new file in the form of SEQ_NO-hostname.json is created.

The value must be a valid directory.

This is meant for debugging and testing purposes.

When set to blank (default) this functionality is turned off.

Used by: theforeman.foreman.foreman callback plugin


Password of the user accessing the Foreman server.

Used by: theforeman.foreman.foreman inventory plugin


URL of the Foreman Smart Proxy server.

Used by: theforeman.foreman.foreman callback plugin


endpoint type for reports: foreman or proxy

Used by: theforeman.foreman.foreman callback plugin


URL of the Foreman server.

Used by: theforeman.foreman.foreman callback plugin, theforeman.foreman.foreman inventory plugin


URL of the Foreman server.

Used by: theforeman.foreman.foreman callback plugin, theforeman.foreman.foreman inventory plugin


X509 certificate to authenticate to Foreman if https is used

Used by: theforeman.foreman.foreman callback plugin


the corresponding private key

Used by: theforeman.foreman.foreman callback plugin


Toggle to decide whether to verify the Foreman certificate.

It can be set to ‘1’ to verify SSL certificates using the installed CAs or to a path pointing to a CA bundle.

Set to ‘0’ to disable certificate checking.

Used by: theforeman.foreman.foreman callback plugin


URL of the Foreman server.

Used by: theforeman.foreman.foreman callback plugin, theforeman.foreman.foreman inventory plugin


Username accessing the Foreman server.

Used by: theforeman.foreman.foreman inventory plugin


Username accessing the Foreman server.

Used by: theforeman.foreman.foreman inventory plugin


Whether or not to verify the TLS certificates of the Foreman server.

Used by: theforeman.foreman.foreman inventory plugin